Thames Riverscape


London is in so many ways defined by the Thames.  Although it is no longer carrying the trade from round the world that built the city’s fortune, it is still a busy waterway.  What better to commemorate this than to have a shot that links the boats, the river and the City that they both helped to create.

This GX200 shot was at the limit of its zoom.  I would have been nice either to have a longer zoom or more time to close the distance on foot.  Developed wholly in Aperture, it has had its white balance tweaked, exposure reduced slightly combined with some recovery in the highlights (the clouds and white boat hulls), combined with moving the black point right.  Vibrance, definition and auto levels separate added some punch.  I sharpened the image to counteract the slightly softer output of the GX200 at the long end.

One Response to “Thames Riverscape”

  1. 1 singraham

    very nice!

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