Posts Tagged ‘E-1’

I had intended to post something else today, but on a walk round the local area I saw this fantastic sky.  What a pity that it was the forerunner to a rather violent summer squall, which left me with a small river running down my back! It’s pretty dramatic, but the black and white version […]

Old-time shop


Moseying around Perth recently I ran across this shop, whose display of goods provided an interesting mix of textures and objects.  It has a timeless quality in black and white. Another E-1/12-60 mm shot developed in Aperture.  White balance was adjusted, which warmed the picture up slightly and the black point was moved slightly right. […]

The 51st Highland Division used to be one of the most famous divisional names in 20th century British military history in both world wars.  It was a territorial (volunteer reserve) division and so was mobilised only for general war.  It’s headquarters used to be in Perth and so it is very appropriate to see a […]

In the current economic climate it somehow seems to be appropriate to be busking outside a building society.  This couple were certainly enjoying themselves, although they weren’t making their fortune. This E1 photograph has had minimal processing in Aperture.  It has been cropped very slightly.  The exposure has been increased slightly and the black point […]

Irises are lovely flowers and I got up this morning full of good intentions to photograph the ones that are just starting to bloom in our garden.  Unfortunately, although the light was perfect – a dull diffused light which didn’t cast strong shadows – the flowers weren’t.  A heavy rain squall had passed through in […]