Posts Tagged ‘Raw Photo Processor’

Sunday Lunch


Walking into a village in Catalonia around lunch time in summer sometimes seems like re-enacting a Clint Eastwood film: the streets are completely empty … The attractive Catalonian village of Monells has a thirteenth century square which these days is set out for that attractive southern European habit of having family Sunday lunches.  Not being […]

Summer’s End


The end of summer is in sight – at least so far as the weather is concerned, it seem s more like autumn than summer.  The flowers seem to think so as well.  These Shasta Daisies are reminders of how ephemeral all life is.  I find these fading flowers rather moving. Both these shots were […]

My wife went down to the quilting show in the NEC; so, I took the opportunity to visit Blists Hill Victorian Town, the site of the BBC’s ‘Victorian Pharmacy’. Fascinating, and the pharmacy looked just as it did on the television, although without the interesting experiments in manufacturing gunpowder and fireworks, or drilling teeth, that […]

Half Tide


The Forth Bridges are normally photographed from the larger town of South Queensferry; however, its smaller and less well-known equivalent on the north shore of the Firth offers some interesting and different perspectives – particularly of the Victorian rail bridge, where you can get a real sense of the massive iron structure.  North Queensferry, like […]

High Summer


In between the showers the sun has actually been shining here.  When it does i am always struck by how pretty the countryside is.  The wheat and barley are ripening.  The fields of rape, with their rather harsh yellow flowers long gone, have turned to a golden colour as well.  Hay is being cut.  When […]

Lion Couchant


We haven’t been in St Andrews Square Gardens in Edinburgh for some time.  The gardens in the centre of the square are open to the public (not the case for most of my life).  This striking statue of a lion is a new addition.  I love the way that the animal emerges from the stone. […]

Bumble Bee


This bee was seen clinging on to the Ragged Robin in breezy conditions.  However, as it just clung there and didn’t move at all I wonder if it had died while feeding on the plant and remained locked in place by rigor mortis. Cropped square from a file converted in RPP, the principal adjustments were […]

I had intended to post something else today, but on a walk round the local area I saw this fantastic sky.  What a pity that it was the forerunner to a rather violent summer squall, which left me with a small river running down my back! It’s pretty dramatic, but the black and white version […]

Busy Bees


There are lots of bees around at the moment, which is good to see after the hard winter and diseases and parasites which have decimated hives.  One of my off-on projects is to try to capture bees round the flowers in our garden.  These have all been taken with telephoto lenses handheld with high ISO […]

One of our favourite roses is Madame Alfred Carrière which has a delicate colour and a pleasant scent. An E-520/35mm shot converted from raw in RPP and then imported with a standard treatment into Aperture before sharpening.