Archive for May, 2010

Low water


I spent a beautiful Bank Holiday along the banks of the River Earn between Crieff and Comrie in Perthshire.  Unusually, it was warm and sunny and I saw a good deal of wildlife ranging from deer in the woods to the first ducklings.  In common with almost all Scottish rivers the Earn is a spate […]



I have rather belatedly come to appreciate hostas for the strong architectural shape of their leaves.  These were in a small walled garden that had been turned into a plant nursery.  Once I saw the shot it was always obvious that this would be better in black and white as it would emphasise the form […]

After the rain


Walking back home in the late evening earlier this week, the rain clouds cleared enough to make an interesting sky.  There is nothing dramatic about the view looking roughly south west: rolling fields rising to a low line of hills behind which lies Glenfarg.  However, like many landscapes the play of light can make them […]

After the Rain


I took a walk down by the River Eden last night through the woods.  There had been a short, sharp shower.  This leaf was a casualty, knocked down by the rain. This was a GF1 shot.  It was converted to B&W using Aperture and Silver Efex with the dramatic preset.

Evening chives


The chives in our garden are starting to develop their pretty flowers and I snapped this shot as they were back lit by the evening sun: Taken with the GF1, this shot was developed in RPP and imported into Aperture in the normal way.  It required some highlight recovery on the backlit petals and a […]

I spotted these three trees, all in different colours, in the garden at Falkland Palace.  Not quite red, white and blue – but it will keep the Italians happy: This was shot into the light, which gave some translucence to the colour of the leaves, but caused other problems.  It was a E-520 shot and […]



Everybody seems to agree: there are a lot of dandelions this year.  Every roadside verge (and our lawn!) is carpeted with the yellow flowers or the puffy seed heads.  They are delicately attractive.  It is just such a pity that they are the very devil to get rid of once they are established in a […]

Curious Cows


Young cows (or in this case bullocks) are an amusing mixture of bold curiosity and great timidity.  These cattle wandered over to inspect us eating our sandwiches on our cycle ride in Perthshire.  However, when one of the boys at the back was spooked by some unknown fright, the alarm spread quickly and they thundered […]

… or in other words, a very British summer day.  After the last few days of hot weather 9hotter in Scotland than the south of Spain), normal service has resumed with a typically British mixture of showers and sun.  After skirting the showers all day on a long cycle ride from Perth up Glen Almond […]

This is what happens if I don’t mow the lawn.  It almost makes laziness seem like a virtue. This was a shot with a macro lens (Olympus’ 35mm), but with a larger depth of field than normal.  The aim was to get a more three-dimensional view of the daisies stretching into the distance. This shot […]