Posts Tagged ‘Macro’



This was another experimental shot with a UWA lens at close range of the Shasta daisies that have just started  flowering in our garden.  At this range the depth of focus is limited. The colours were balanced using auto curves separate.  A lot of recovery was needed on the petals of the daisies.  More detail […]

The balmy warmth has deserted us.  Instead blustery changeable weather is the norm, with frequent sharp showers.  Here is a rose leaf in the early morning in our garden after such a shower.  This was taken with an ultra wide lens, which provided and interesting perspective. Developed in Aperture, rather conservatively, to just enhance the […]

Sometimes the potential of an image only becomes evident once you start messing around with it in post processing.  This was the case here, when I discovered that a slightly problematic image of some thistles actually had some possibilities.  I wanted to be able to emphasise the prickliness and spikiness of the plant and a […]

Busy Bees


There are lots of bees around at the moment, which is good to see after the hard winter and diseases and parasites which have decimated hives.  One of my off-on projects is to try to capture bees round the flowers in our garden.  These have all been taken with telephoto lenses handheld with high ISO […]

One of our favourite roses is Madame Alfred Carrière which has a delicate colour and a pleasant scent. An E-520/35mm shot converted from raw in RPP and then imported with a standard treatment into Aperture before sharpening.

I generally don’t have much luck with photographing bees, butterflies and the like. However, I seem to have been lucky when I noticed a hoverfly hanging around the honeysuckle in our gardden.  It had just come into flower and it was a case of being at the right place at the right time with a […]



Still as part of the regain from yesterday’s fiasco, I am catching up on the pictures that I lost of the poppies.  I do like the papery petals and blowsy nature of these big flowers. The top one was a shot from the E-520; the lower image from the GF1.  Both images were essentially treated […]



After the disappointment of the irises in our garden we found ourselves in Edinburgh and rather on the spur of the moment decided to visit the Royal Botanic Gardens there.  I hadn’t visited the gardens for well over a decade and it was a real trip down memory lane.  However, their irises had stood up […]

Irises are lovely flowers and I got up this morning full of good intentions to photograph the ones that are just starting to bloom in our garden.  Unfortunately, although the light was perfect – a dull diffused light which didn’t cast strong shadows – the flowers weren’t.  A heavy rain squall had passed through in […]

Woebegone Poppy


The weather has performed its customary volte face now that summer has arrived.  Leaden skies preceded persistent rain, which, to be fair, we could do with.  However, the rain has put its customary damper on joie de vivre.  Even the flowers seem affected. A GX200 shot, given a very straight development in RPP before being […]